DirectoryIndex uses

Course- htaccess >

The directoryindex command allows you to specify a default page to display when a directory is accessed. For instance, if a visitor requests a directory on your web site, you can specify the file to load when the directory is accessed (if a filename is not specified in the initial request). For example, to display a 'index.html' file rather than showing directory listings or to load a 'index.php' file rather than an 'index.html' file.

To set-up a directoryindex, create a .htaccess file following the main instructions and guidance which includes the following text:


DirectoryIndex index.html

The above lines tell the Apache Web Server to display the 'index.html' file, whenever the directory containing this .htaccess file (or any subdirectory) is accessed.

We can setup a directoryindex to call multiple files using the following text:


DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.php

The above lines tell the Apache Web Server to display the 'index.html' file as the directoryindex, if this file is not available then display 'index.cgi', and if this is not available then display 'index.php'.

If not of the specified files are available, the Apache Web Server will revert to it's default settings, either displaying an error message, a directory listings not available message, or displaying the directory listings of files and directories (this can be prevented which we discuss in section 'Prevent viewing of directory listings')